Auto tuning
Auto tuning
发布时间:2015-03-24 浏览次数: 156

◆ First step, must disconnected from the load. If the motor can be disconnected from the load, it can select rotation auto-tuning (P9.15=2), or it can select static auto-tuning only.
◆ If the inverter power does not match the motor power, select static auto-tuning. after the tuning, manually change the no load current P9.05 to about 40% of the motor rated current P9.04
◆ Setting P0.01=5,recover parameter to factory setting
◆ Setting motor basic frequency P0.15 according to motor nameplate
◆ Setting motor rated voltage P0.12 according to motor nameplate
◆ Setting motor pole P9.01 according to motor nameplate
◆ Setting motor rated rotation P9.02 according to motor nameplate
◆ Setting motor rated power P9.03 according to motor nameplate
◆ Setting motor rated current P9.04 according to motor nameplate
◆ Setting P9.15=1 and pressure RUN key to perform static auto-tuning
◆ Setting P9.15=2 and pressure RUN key to perform static rotating-tuning, if perform rotating-tuning, should be careful because the motor will be run after pressure RUN key.
◆ After auto-tuning, the motor will stop auto.


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